Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sock Monkey Craziness

So I wanted to share an old project with everyone.  This was a project that took me a year to complete but was so much fun to do. 

At the beginning of the year in 2011, I was really thinking about the people in my family that I had lost over the years and I was really sad.  I kept looking at this sock monkey that my great-grandmother, Mae Byrom (Big Momma) had made for me when I was a kid. 
Crystal and Her Sock Monkey Made By Big Momma (Mae Byrom)
This sadness kept nagging at me until I decided to make sock monkeys for all the kids in my family for Christmas.  With this project, I felt like I would be honoring my great-grandmother who had done the same so many many years ago.  I knew that I had to start early if I was going to make it by Christmas because there were at least 22 sock monkeys I needed to make.

I found my pattern and borrowed my Mom's sewing machine because the one that my Granny had given me didn't work.  I did most of the sewing by hand during my lunch hours at work or at home while watching TV on the couch but I did do some of it on the machine.

Word got around that I was doing this project and a few people wanted to buy sock monkeys from me.  So I took their orders and added those to my final count. 

Christmas came and the sock monkeys were gifted out.  Some were mailed and some were hand delivered.  The kids all loved them and they were a big hit with many of the adults too.  That year, I requested a new sewing machine of my own for Christmas and my sweet husband took my Mom and they picked out one for me.  I love it and can't wait to use it on more projects like this.

Now I'm not a great seamstress or anything but the project was so much fun and was so fulfilling for me.  It helped me overcome my sadness and redirect that energy to something productive and fun.  The pictures below are just some of the sock monkeys I made in 2011.  I hope to make more in the future and maybe sell them on Etsy or EBay or something.  We will see.  Right now, my free time is being spent on the development of Jack's Pack Pet Planet and growing my Younique customer base - so projects like this are on hold for the time being. But soon...



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